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weekly meetings | GlotPressPosts about weekly meetings written by Jesús Amieiro
Jesús Amieiro | GlotPressRead all of the posts by Jesús Amieiro on GlotPress
The Manual | GlotPressThe Manual Section 1 » 1.1 Overview GlotPress has been designed to be as easy to use as possible, however translation is not a simple task and some details may not be obvious to first time users. This manual will fill in
Agenda: Monthly GlotPress Chat – April 19, 2023 (8:00 UTC) | GlotPressHere’s the agenda for our monthly chat (each 4 weeks). This meeting will be held at in the #glotpress channel in the Making WordPress Slack. Welcomes. Monthly stats. Issues: 128 open (+3) (4 since last meeting), 6 close
GlotPress | Building the GlotPress Translation ManagerBuilding the GlotPress Translation Manager
meeting | GlotPressPosts about meeting written by Jesús Amieiro
biweekly meetings | GlotPressPosts about biweekly meetings written by Jesús Amieiro
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